Monday, April 23, 2007

To bee or not to bee. (23 04 2007)

Below: a short discussion of the sharp decline of bee populations
Above: video to Two Librans by The Fall. 
"To Oprah Winfrey - she studied bees. Studied bees two Librans." can be heard. 

Seemingly cut and paste wordplay, Winfrey had been working on a "beemovie" in 2007 for release. Another coincidence to bolster an oft-repeated claim that The Fall's Bard of Salford possessed some form of psychic power. 

Poppycock perhaps, but an odd juxtaposition: It must relate to Plato and his beehive, really.

Certainly true and URGENT is a discussion and a reflection on reports detailing the worldwide decline of bee populations. Studies have focused upon its links to 
- the reduction of wildlife, 
GM crops and 
- chemtrails. 

Der Spiegal noted that 'genetically modified' plants are key factors. Wouldn't rule anything out at this point. All are likely.  But we need hard data. And fast.. 

 Has anyone been following this?  

As Einstein reportedly said:"
If the bee disappears off the surface of the globe, man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man." 

Who needs to 'wake up'? 
The people who matter are those in power. Why would they? Content when in a feeding frenzy allowed because of unrestrained untrammelled capitalism to take over. 
We cannot blame the common bee. 

Reports of declines at rates of 80% in areas of the U.S. and Europe should set alarm bells ringing.  It should lead to demands for immediate action. Did you read about "colony collapse disorder" (CCD)." It was published on Prison Planet - an outsider/ conspiracy site; and also the BBC -an inside one. 
See here, here, here

Is it because of those with controlling interests in GM food proliferation. For them - good news?

Soon we may rely on marvellous GM food and perhaps the bees have already suffered enough. The road to Soylent Green can no longer be avoided! 

 All happening under the radar. 
We stay silent. 
We don't want to cause a fuss.
We don't want to bother genetically modified psychopaths
We don't want to affect their pencraft. 

It is 2007 and the supposedly 'crazed' concept of chemtrails continues in certain quarters. Ive seen whatever they are here in Japan. They look like cirrus clouds. They may be natural

But could whatever they are affect the bees too? 
Surely not? But I'm nonplussed. I'm wary of liars at the top 
I'm wary about about a future without As Bs and Cs. 

As Mark E Smith inferred, Oprah Winfrey probably is too, 
though commercial success of her latest project 
is likely uppermost in her mind. 

But we had better get some hard data quick sharpish 
or Einstein's words may come to haunt us. 

  Any hard data out there?

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